Author: Kelly McMurray
The Story of a Viewbook
The world of education if getting more and more competitive–rising costs, fewer applicants. More than ever admissions offices are seeking innovative ways to reach their prospective students through social media, web, recruitment. It can be safely said that the school’s website is a primary resource for prospective students. So what is the role of print?…
Nobles Magazine: An iPad Case Study
One of the primary goals of alumni publications is to keep their community engaged with their school. With approximately 30 million tablet devices in the U.S. alone; 20 billion APPs downloaded in 2012; and over 300 magazines in the Apple Store publishing on a tablet device needs to be part of the publication strategy for…
Q & A with Eric Mongeon, Creative Director at MIT Technology Review
On November 6, the latest issue of MIT Technology Review hit the newsstands. The print edition is the last piece of a larger content delivery re-envisioning focused on a “digital first” model. It is a much different publication than the one I art-directed from my studio from 1998 to 2000. Here we discuss the new…
One Cover, 10 Ways
One could argue that the cover of a magazine is its most important feature—even more important than the editorial and interior design—because in a brief moment it has to entice a reader to pick it up and read it. For years, editors and art directors have explored ways to create memorable covers. This fall, one…
Alumni Magazines On WordPress
When many people think of the term “blog” they tend to envision a personal journal. But today blogging platforms have expanded into a much broader use, ranging from school websites to online publications. With a built-in Content Management System and templated design capabilities they can be an excellent, cost effective way to develop an interactive…